Lookup results: 760-239-6609

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Phone #: 760-239-6609

Type: Landline

Address: Ramona, CA

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5 November 2013
If you are getting a call from 760-239-6609. This is a private incoming line # only, outbound calls cannot be made on this line and utilized to disperse calls to the appropriate offices only. which is being what is called swatted at this time, an illegal act done through a cell app sometimes done by collectors but but most likely cyber bullies according to Indio police dept. These snakes had the audacity to contact us directly. If anyone needs it, please refer to to the following incident # we the owners of this 3 has filed and are requesting FBI assistance: Indio Police Dept. 1311I0271. Carol in Dispatch assigned us this report #. If you are reporting this as we have already please utilize this report # to give to your local authorities to add to the report
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5 November 2013
This FTC is now aware of the situation our number is being "swatted/spoofed" and matter has been escalated up to state level. Our service provider is working on their end to solve the issue with the proper authorities. Please keep recording your complaints to the FTC where you will be given a reference number. To the individual who is a part of this and who called me direct last night, you may be interested to know voice prints exist for a reason...
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